Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Merry Christmas!

Here are just a few pictures from our Christmas over at my parents house. We had a great time and it was such a blessing to have Donny home; he was supposed to be working but never got called out. What an answer to prayer! We did our traditional Luke reading and sang a few songs Christmas Eve, then Christmas morning did the opening of presents and stockings. And I am happy to announce that Jeven did a very good job at not being greedy, but was very well mannered and was very interested in every gift, with the exception of the socks and underwear! Also, Joren got her first baby doll (ok so she got 5, but hey, a girl can never have enough dolls!), but Jeven stole it and proceeded to nurse his baby like mommy does! He is such a parrot! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas too!

Monday, December 17, 2007

More cookie pictures

Here are just a few more from last week. Jeven indulging on some sweets, Donny and my flour fight, and Joren just doing what she does!! I wish you could publish more than 5 pictures per post! Maybe you can, I am new at this...

Christmas cookie day!!

Well this took place last week actually, but I am jost now getting around to posting! We had a great day, making fudge, rice krispy treats, white chocolate peppermint bark and of course SUGAR COOKIES!! It was a blast and Jeven had fun making them with me...and eating them, of course. After a while, though, he was on the couch with Daddy for some snuggle time! I love the last picture-it looks like Joren's foot is the one sticking out and is so big! Ha ha!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kelley & Tyler shoot; Day 2

Here are some more of the engagement pictures of Kelley and Tyler; I finally finished editing and I really hope they are happy, cause I am! Now, you photographers, stop seeing them critically and remember I am fully amature!! :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Good word

So, I have been just incredibly overwhelmed lately, in every aspect of my life, and coming to the end of my rope. Donny is gone a lot with his job, I am having a "teeth crisis" that is posing as this dark cloud not allowing me to see joy in anything, and to make a long story short, KIDS. Anyway, all this to say I was doing my quiet time this afternoon and the Lord gave me an amazing word that I thought I would share...
It was from the old devotional book Streams in the Desert , and it said "Do not fret, or set your teeth, or wait doggedly for the suffering to pass; but get out of it all you can, both for yourself and for your service to your generation, according to the will of God." The passage of scripture that corresponds with it was 2 Corinthians chapter 1. So, if you are feeling as I am, or have been feeling the loving chastening of the Lord, be encouraged for it is all for the will of God, and He loves you so very much!

Kelley & Tyler shoot-Day 1 edit

Here are just a few of many pictures taken yesterday of my sister-in-law Kelley and her fiance Tyler. I think they turned out pretty well, considering the obstacles we faced! Big shock when you have beautiful people to work with!! I will post some more after I edit them. I got 12 out of about 40 done last night!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I gotta love having a girl!

So I snapped off a few today just because I loved her outfit! I know that's silly, but I just loved it!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Getting the Christmas tree!!

Well, my dad, Donny, the kids and I headed up the hills to get a Christmas tree and we had a blast!! I was mainly taking the camera to test the lighting and ISO, and basically I learned NOTHING! Some pictures turned out clear and some so bad you couldn't even tell what was going on, and I have no idea why?!? But, we had a great time and got a cute little Christmas tree!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Our first post!

Well, this is our first posting and hopefully there will be many more to come. We are finally a part of the blogging world! Not the greatest picture of us but you get the idea.