Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Ski

I love this one of Jeven cause you can see his "poop eye." If you enlarge it, you can see in HIS right eye, there is a big brown spot!

Jeven and Joren LOVE their Grandma and Grandpa! And that is an understatement! And I think the feeling is mutual! Every night before bed, Joren asks if we are going to Grandma's house when she wakes up. Jeven's best friend in the whole world is his Grandpa. He calls Jeven his "pal." We are so blessed to have them right down the road, and not only because they are great babysitters! So, here are just a few pictures from their house a couple weeks ago.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Random Haloween pictures

I know these aren't the greatest pictures of the kiddos, quality is terrible too! But, they were about ready to go out trick or treating for the night and weren't really in the mood for pictures!

Yes he is tooting here. Why else would he want to be a skunk?? He basically has permission to go around tooting everywhere!
And of course, my precious little butterfly!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I just wanted to clear something up from a previous post. Donny is NOT going into the acting business! It was just a joke! I guess I am a pretty good liar, but apparently I really got people thinking he is making the job change. So no, he is not co-starring with Tommy Lee Jones so don't be looking for it in theaters in 2009! :) Sorry for the mix up!
Donny is having a Lonesome Dove party with some guys in a couple weeks, and he had me photoshop him into the picture for the invitation. I just thought I'd share the laugh with all of you, but apparently I did a pretty good job!
Real Donny update: He IS losing his job in January for sure, and we don't really have another plan right now, so we would love prayer for direction at this point. I am thinking of upping my photography rates to $1000 a pop for a while, just until he gets settled somewhere else....okay just another joke! I better be more careful from now on!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My BIG girl!

She calls these her "pony chonys." Not sure where the term chonys came from, but I guess the Lundbergs call underwear chonys. So, she picked out My Little Pony chonys! Whatever works, I guess!

Her Big Girl bed!

Joren is such a big girl all of the sudden! She has decided to be potty trained, without much training from me and is sleeping in a big girl bed! This all happened a little too quick for me, but I guess she was ready. We had just sort of tossed the idea around about selling the crib cause we already had the bed in storage, so I posted it on Craigslist just to see what would happen, and that night she was sleeping in her new bed! Where did the time go? I know everyone says that, but really, she was just my little baby!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Donny's new job!!

We just wanted to update you all on Donny's job situation. As many of you know, Donny is most likely losing his job this January. So he decided to pursue a different line of work completely, and has gone into the acting industry. He quickly received a job offer to remake a western mini-series, perhaps you are familiar with "Lonesome Dove." He will be co-starring with Tommy Lee Jones; replacing Robert Duvall and playing his character Augustus McCrae. We are so excited about this opportunity; be looking for it in theatres Fall 2009!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jeven's first day of school

Well, today was Jeven's first day of pre-school. He is going to Little Spartan Preschool, at Hillsboro High School, which is the exact same place I went! It was funny, I walked in and it still smelled EXACTLY the same...Now that I think about it, I don't know if that is a good thing, considering I went there over 20 years ago! Anyway, he loved every minute of it and I am excited for him. These aren't exactly the classic "first day of school" pictures I was going for, but it was just his mood. Donny and I were sitting in the orientation meeting last Friday, and Donny leaned over and said, "Can you believe we have a son in school and we are in a meeting about it??!" Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was bringing home my little 6lb. baby from the hospital! Oddly enough, though, at the meeting, as everyone else may have been getting a little misty-eyed at the thought of their baby heading off into the real world, I was choked up, literally fighting back tears, not because Jeven isn't my little baby anymore, but because the teacher was having the sick talk with all of us; telling us how when one kid brings something, everyone else gets it. "It spreads like wildfire" was the exact phrase she used. What the heck is wrong with me?? I am more anxious about the bugs Jeven is going to bring home than the fact that he is such a big boy! Anyway, there is a prayer request if you need something to be praying for us about. Ok, that's it-Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"I love you so bad"

This is a posting dedicated to my little Jevers. He is such a sweet boy! He always showers me with compliments, like, I will come in the room and he says "Oh Mommy, you look beautiful!" And he ALWAYS says, "Mommy I love you."
This morning, I am embarrassed to say, Jeven heard me utter in my overwhelmed state, "I just want to die." ( I know, I know, terrible!) He then said "You can't die, Mama. I need you to be alive. I love you too much."
And his latest, that just breaks my heart is "Mommy I love you so bad."

This is just a token picture of us taken last year at this time. If you notice, my hair was long...sniff sniff.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jeven's soccer camp!

Last week Jeven went to soccer camp, and I think he had a good time! He has never played before, so it was interesting to watch him play with other kids who knew the rules. We loved watching him interact with other kids and get some exercise. Maybe he will follow in his daddy's footsteps and be an awesome soccer player! Enjoy the photos of our little booger!! They are totally out of order cause Blogger is being wierd with photos.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our anniversary trip to Spokane

This picture below was HILARIOUS! I kept asking him to open his eyes so I could get his picture, but it was SO bright his eyes were literally pouring water out of them. This is him trying to keep his eyes open!
The gondola ride...our pager for Olive Garden started beeping 1 minute into the ride, so it set quite the romantic tone.

OK so this is a little late, but if you have been keeping up with my photography blog, you will know why. I have just been so busy!! Such a blessing, but I am definitely getting swamped. But anyway, this was Donny and my 5th wedding anniversary on August 2nd, so we got away for the night and flew up to Spokane. What a BEAUTIFUL town. I told Donny I wanted to move there; we'll see what happens with that. We had such a great time riding bikes around town, laying out by the pool, walking by the river, we took a gondola ride over the waterfalls, and got a huge snow cone that was raspberry colada with cream; tasty!! It was so great for us and we are so thankful my parents are right down the street and are always willing to watch the kiddos.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Jeven's track meet

Every summer at Elden Kellar Track in Hillsboro there are a handful of all-comers track meets for all ages. I have always been into track and field so of course I am encouraging my kids to follow in my footsteps. Well, turns out Jeven will probably be pursuing something else. :) He got SMOKED in every event he entered, and not by big kids even, but they were all his age or younger! Needless to say, I am a little bummed that he isn't the natural that his mom is/was, but he had such a great time doing it, maybe all he needs is practice? Everyone keeps telling me "he's only 4" "you can't know anything yet" but ALL the kids are young and ALL the kids beat him! Anyway, I really am ok with it, really...Ok so I am at least working on it. Anyway, here are some pictures of my track star!!