Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Preston Wyatt

I took a break from wedding editing to focus on little Preston. Our friends Jacob and Cindy had their little boy about 2 weeks ago and I snapped off a few pictures while we were down in Medford for the wedding. He is SUCH a beautiful baby.

And I'm sure there will be more wedding pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More wedding pictures!!

I told you I have a lot of pictures!!
I can't even tell you how nice it was to be the 2nd photographer, instead of the one actually in charge of getting all the right photos. I feel like I would be so worried about capturing the crucial moments I would miss out on all the candid ones, which are the moments I tried to capture this weekend!

Ps. The cute little boy is our friends little guy, Elias. Look at those eyes!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Kelley & Tyler's wedding!!

Here are some from the wedding this weekend. I think their engagement pictures were some of the first pictures on my blog! These are only a few of the MANY I took so I may post more later, but if not, this kind of wraps up the beautiful day it was!!

Kite flying!

I know, I know, it has been too long since I posted something. I just really haven't been having a whole lot to post. But watch out, my CF cards are loaded with fun pictures. Donny's sister got married this past weekend, our friends had babies and our kids are feeling great so there should be lots more posts coming from the Lundberg family!
Here are some picture of Jeven and Joren with the neighbor kids last week one windy day flying a kite. It was Jeven's first time flying one, and he loved it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The latest Jeven picture

I haven't really been taking many pictures lately, particularly of my little sickie, but here is one I took yesterday. He is definately feeling better, whether or not he is truly better, he has been feeling mostly better so that is great!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, I was hoping my next post would be a "hooray, we are all better!" However, that isn't exactly the case. We had about 3 and a half days last week of being "over it" but then it came back. But, we were able to get into our naturopath's this afternoon, so that we could see if this is still a virus and how many of us still have it. Turns out, I am clear of it, Joren just has a tiny bit, probably because Jeven still has it so she is just fighting it, and Jeven just has a little bit as well. However, his dairy and yeast allergies are flaring up right now, and that is most likely why this has lasted 3 weeks now. So, we are taking him completely off dairy and yeast, and that should help, if not, completely take care of the problem. So, we are hopeful and very tired of this stinkin' virus!

I just thought I would tack on a random picture so there is something to look at, besides sick words!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Enough is enough!

I know, I know- all I ever talk about is us being sick, but when that is all that is going on it's hard to find something else to say. I mainly just wanted to keep you all posted; especially for those of you who are praying. We are still sick! I really can't believe it. Joren and I are on day 12 and Jeven day 13! Joren has been pretty much fine the whole time. I think she got a milder version. I mostly just feel sick all the time, with an occasional wave of almost having to puke, but still haven't. And my little Jeven has had his worst 2 days today and yesterday. I woke up yesterday morning so excited because he had gone 2 days without puking, which was definately something to be happy about. However, within an hour of being awake, he started having diarrhea and it really didn't stop until he went to bed. Interestingly, it did stop through the night and once again, no puke!! I am particularly excited about that because I have been home alone and was dreading the thought of having to hold the bucket! But once again, this morning, about an hour after waking up, he started the diarrhea again. Fortunately, he hasn't had any in about 7 hours now, but he hasn't been feeling well at all these past 2 days. And the worst part is that the 2 days before that he was feeling great, having normal poop and eating great!! This bug is so emotional-you think you are over it, you can almost taste normalcy, and then boom-you are hit again and the roller coaster continues. I am really trying to glean everything I can from this time with the Lord, but I am mostly now just sad, worn out, emotionally drained, and annoyingly, still not feeling well myself! So, that should help with the specifics on how to pray. Thanks, by the way, for all of you who are praying. I know that is what is getting us through this! I really hope my next post will be a praise that we are all over it!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Anybody want this??

I have a brand new brown vest from Gymboree that I bought for Jeven...actually I bought two of them and never took this one back; it is a long story! Anyway, I lost the receipt and it has been since January that I bought it so I'm sure I could get in-store credit for maybe $.99 or something, which isn't worth the trip for me since I paid like $16 for it on an after Christmas sale. It is size 3-4T. If anyone would like it, it is up for grabs. I just want someone to be able to enjoy it!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sick, sick, sick!!

Well, I wish so badly to be giving a great report today, but alas, all of us are STILL SICK!! Yesterday was Donny's birthday and it was so great! Jeven felt great, no symptoms, Joren felt great, no symptoms, and I felt great, no symptoms! Only to wake up to throw up in both of their beds this morning and I myself starting to show symptoms as well! So Jeven is officially on day 10, Joren and I...I really don't know. I started feeling sick last Wednesday but didn't show actual outward symptoms until this morning, and Joren had a little puke last Wednesday, but then nothing else till this last Monday so, hopefully her and I are both on day 9. But really, who the heck knows?? So please continue to pray for us. I really feel like this will never end! I know it will, but my goodness, it has been a week and a half and we still have good days then bad days! What is going on?????

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Something besides "sick talk"

We spent our Easter, well, the Saturday before Easter, with some family and friends in Canby. The kids had a great time and I took a bunch of pictures so I thought I would post a couple I have had time to play with. These are a few of Jeven and Joren's cousins- Asher, Abbey and Gracie.