Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jeven's soccer camp!

Last week Jeven went to soccer camp, and I think he had a good time! He has never played before, so it was interesting to watch him play with other kids who knew the rules. We loved watching him interact with other kids and get some exercise. Maybe he will follow in his daddy's footsteps and be an awesome soccer player! Enjoy the photos of our little booger!! They are totally out of order cause Blogger is being wierd with photos.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our anniversary trip to Spokane

This picture below was HILARIOUS! I kept asking him to open his eyes so I could get his picture, but it was SO bright his eyes were literally pouring water out of them. This is him trying to keep his eyes open!
The gondola ride...our pager for Olive Garden started beeping 1 minute into the ride, so it set quite the romantic tone.

OK so this is a little late, but if you have been keeping up with my photography blog, you will know why. I have just been so busy!! Such a blessing, but I am definitely getting swamped. But anyway, this was Donny and my 5th wedding anniversary on August 2nd, so we got away for the night and flew up to Spokane. What a BEAUTIFUL town. I told Donny I wanted to move there; we'll see what happens with that. We had such a great time riding bikes around town, laying out by the pool, walking by the river, we took a gondola ride over the waterfalls, and got a huge snow cone that was raspberry colada with cream; tasty!! It was so great for us and we are so thankful my parents are right down the street and are always willing to watch the kiddos.